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Microsoft Partners Offering SharePoint as a Managed Service, or Simply SharePoint in the Cloud Should Consider Including Video Training Content

Rehmani Consulting, Inc. offers an attractive solution for training a wide range of organizations looking to avail of SharePoint 2010 as a managed service — SP101 – The Basics: SharePoint End User Training for Readers, Members & Subsite Owners. We encourage Microsoft Partners actively offering these services for Cloud, Private Cloud and hybrid computing environments to consider the usefulness of our End User training set for SharePoint 2010.

Microsoft Partners offering SharePoint as a managed service, and/or as an application in the cloud, have an opportunity to include video training content for SharePoint in their offer. We think that it makes sense to include video training content in order to ensure that customers succeed in their efforts to achieve operational objectives with either SharePoint 2007 or SharePoint 2010. Further, video training content can be useful as a tool to reduce support demand as customers adapt to new (and likely unfamiliar) procedures in order to perform daily tasks. Therefore, including video training content contributes to the stickiness of a managed hosting sale as well as a lower cost for supporting a new and happy customer.

We offer a set of video training content that has been produced, specifically, to provide SharePoint 2010 (or 2007) end users with simply the computer procedures that they will need to accomplish the above mentioned daily activities. Our set, which is titled “SP101 – The Basics: SharePoint End User Training for Readers, Members & Subsite Owners” delivers all of the computer procedures that end users will generally require in order to successfully perform day to day computer operations. Further, our set presents the technical content in a unique set of video content, where each procedure is covered discretely, in a very short presentation that is kept strictly on topic and, further, a presentation that dispenses with bobbing heads and/or product abstraction.

We have consistently received positive response from customers about our SharePoint 2010 End User training course. Therefore, we see no reason why Microsoft Partners would not also receive similar positive response from customers should they opt to include our content. By acquiring the content from us, these partners can save costly time and effort that would otherwise be required to build a comparable set of video training content. Further, the acquisition cost will likely be quickly recouped through a reduction in support demand and a greater vitality to customer subscriptions, which will likely benefit from an important addition — content specific training in video format for SharePoint.

We welcome opportunities to expand on these points with Microsoft partners. Further, we look forward to collecting impressions about our training content and our offer from these conversations. In turn, we will be happy to share insights that we have collected from other, similar, conversations. You can either telephone us at +1 630-786-7026 or contact us via email with any questions you may have about our video training set for Partners, or any topic related to either training content for SharePoint or training methods for individuals and/or enterprises.

As ever, use this link to place an order for an annual subscription to SharePoint-Videos instructional content

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